Texas Association of Family Defense Attorneys

Benefits of Membership
When you join Texas Association of Family Defense Attorneys you will gain access to the following Member's Only Pages:
Form Bank - Our extensive form bank which includes the most commonly used motions and orders in CPS cases
Experts - Over 40 articles and resources focusing on expert testimony, injuries to children, and expert witnesses.
DFPS Practice Guide - We've included the practice guide published by DFPS so all of your resources are in one convenient place. The guide contains everything from basic information about a CPS case to complicated issues surrounding expert testimony about children who have suffered burns. In it you will find the most commonly cited cases, sample witness questions, explanations of procedures, sample voir dire, and more. We've posted the DFPS practice guide in our Member's Only Pages.
Appellate Briefs - Find sample appellate briefs from which you can draft your own brief, gather ideas on arguments, and more.
Recent Cases - The Member's Only pages includes some of the most compelling COA rulings in CPS cases. We work hard to add new cases so you are always up to date.
Resources - Additional resources such as the bench book, case law update, and link to the Texas Family Code are all provided to you in one convenient place.
Additionally, as a Member, you will receive the following benefits:
Discounted registration to our CLEs which focus on representing parents and children in CPS cases​
Your name and contact information listed on our public website so that you can be found by those wanting to hire a TAFDA member to represent (you may opt out if you choose)
Quarterly updates featuring the most recent court of appeals rulings, changes to the family code, and tips and tricks for successfully advocating for your client.
Annual Membership Dues
Honorary Member: no dues required
Student Member: $25
Affiliate Member (non-lawyers such as family advocates, investigators, paralegals, experts and law professors): $75
Legal Aid Services Member (employee of a Legal Aid or other Non-Profit Legal Services office): $50
Newly licensed Attorney (licensed less than two years): $50
Regular Member: $150
Officers and Directors: No dues required
Past Presidents and Members over 70 years of age: No dues required​
​100% of membership fees are used to fund resources we offer our members!
Membership Dues are due on March 31st of each year along with proof that you have completed at least 6 hours of CLE related to child protection cases.
2 Ways to Become A Member
1. Click "Join Now" below to fill out the membership application
2. Click "Download Paper Application" to print a paper form, and mail, fax, or scan and email it to us.
Your membership is effective upon approval of application and receipt of membership dues. Once your Membership Application is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay your membership dues. You will be granted access to the Members Only area of the site upon approval of membership application and payment of membership dues.
All Membership Plans renew on April 1st of each year.
Membership Dues are due on March 31st of each year.